Before embarking on the choice of the loan that will allow you to have the ceremony of your dreams, SW Brokerage enlightens you on the questions to ask yourself …
Large ceremony or intimacy? Near your home or in a dream location? Don’t panic, our team is with you, follow the guide to successfully organize your wedding.
Where to start ?
Before choosing the right wedding loan for this unforgettable moment, let’s start with a few essential questions.
Choose the date and place?
A wedding is organized on average 14 months in advance. A shorter deadline is quite tenable and realistic. It depends on the nature of the ceremony and how much time you will be able to devote to it. For a ceremony of 100 people in summer, organizing in less than 10 months is a marathon!
Often, the civil marriage takes place in the town hall where the future spouses live. The marriage can also be celebrated in the municipality where the father or the mother of one of the future spouses resides.
If you dream of getting married in summer outfit, know that summer is a period of full activity … so be patient or offbeat, a winter wedding can also be full of charm.
Princess dress or light dress? Three-piece suit or simple outfit? Up to you…
You can use our powerful budget planner to get an idea today.
For more specific information, contact a member of our team today on 07 3371 1603.