Did you know that SW Brokerage now offers homeownership without the deposit?

We can get you onto the property ladder for just 2.2% & offer deposit loans for your remaining 20%

SW Brokerage is thrilled to announce our latest offering: deposit loans that require only 2.2% upfront, with the remainder covered through a deposit loan. This exciting opportunity eliminates the traditional hurdle of saving for a deposit, which typically takes the average saver earning $100k+ annually nearly a decade to achieve.* Now, the dream of owning your first home, complete with a garden and a white picket fence, can be realised without years of saving. This initiative reflects our commitment to making homeownership more accessible and achievable for everyone.

*CoreLogic Home Value Index and Finder Consumer Sentiment Tracker, based on average combined capital house price


Are you interested in finding out more about deposit loans? Reach out to the team today!